Espionage Wars Wiki



Daniel Landa - Bílá Hora

Jiří Bílý's favourite song by Czech musician Daniel Landa.

Jiří Bílý was born on 8th of August, 1973 in Pilsen, Czech republic. His parents were Jindřich Bílý and Světlana Bílá.

His dad has been a soldier in the ČSLA in a rank of second lieutenant. Died of cancer in 1987.

His mother was taking care of Jiří's younger brother. Not much is known about his mother and brother, but when the mother found out her husband died, she commited a suicide.

Jiří and his younger brother were sent to orphanage. Jiří's younger brother was taken by some family. Jiří took it very badly and started to beat other orphans in the orphanage in age of 17. He was later deported from the orphanage and started to live his own life.

He worked as a thief, smugler and bodyguard.

When the democracy took a place in Czech republic, he was against the regime the same way as against the communism. So in 2007, he created with a few people a nationalistic political party named Hlas Český, Moravský a Slezský (HČMS). They have been elected to parliament in 2013 and a year later, they made coup d'etat and cut off a part from Czech republic. The part they cut off had a nationalist socialism regime and the land was named as a Czech National Socialist Republic (CNSR).

After creating the C.N.S.R., he became it's leader and a Chief General of C.N.S.R. army. During his leadership, economy was growing up and nobody was without a job and such.

But that didn't mean the people were happy. There were people, that hated him for what he has done.

So after some time, a civil war has took a place in C.N.S.R. which caused that the government of C.N.S.R. wanted to overthrow Jíří Bílý. The people that were planning his overthrown have been publicly executed. Since the mood was no longer as good as it was, the followers of Jiří Bílý moved with him to Poland and gained a new territory - now known as Reichstadt.


When Reichstadt was a thing, Jiří Bílý was finding some new allies. He found some - Grand Duchy of Baltia, Eastern Legion and United Romanian Republic, which were founders of the EEC.

Jiří Bílý later had a meeting with Grand Duchy of Baltia's leader which helped Reichstadt to join the EEC coalition and having a strong partnership with it's members.
